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Why Taking Your Cat to Get an Annual Pet Exam Is so Important

March 13, 2019

As you get older, you will probably find that your doctor asks to see you for regular check-ups so that your health and wellbeing can be more closely monitored.

However, it isn't just our own bodies that change and are more likely to be affected by illness as we age. The bodies of our pets, including our cats, are as fragile as our own and since the aging process is accelerated for our adorable animals, the speed at which they can become sick can also increase. This means that a disease or health condition requiring medical attention that may take years for a human to develop might become serious in just a matter of months for your furry feline. For this reason, your vet will almost certainly recommend or even insist that you bring your kitty to the animal hospital for at least one pet exam per year. This may also be referred to as a wellness check, a health check, or preventative care appointment. As your cat gets older, this usually annual visit may need to take place more frequently - at intervals recommended by your vet in Boiling Springs, SC.

What Can I Expect from My Cat's Annual Pet Exam?

There is nothing to worry about when you bring your cat in for her annual pet exam. The tests that are performed are routine, shouldn't hurt, and are extremely valuable for the health of your cat. Exactly what is included in an annual pet exam can vary between animal hospitals. However, some of the most common, 'core' elements that you should expect include:

  • Blood testing. This includes a complete blood count and a blood chemistry profile. These offer your vet valuable information about the number of red and white blood cells present, and how well her organs and body systems are functioning.
  • Urinalysis and fecal testing. Again, the results of these can provide your veterinary team with important information about the internal health of your cat.
  • A physical examination of your cat to check various things including the condition of her coat, her ears, and eyes, whether she has any unusual lumps or bumps, and more.
  • Parasite check and administration of preventative treatment. This can help keep your cat flea from ticks, fleas, and internal worms such as tapeworms.
  • Vaccination boosters administered (if required) and assessment of the current vaccination schedule in case there are any changes required.
  • Dental cleaning. Our cats are just as likely to suffer from dental problems as we are, and a professional clean is far superior to anything that you can do yourself with a toothbrush. Therefore, while at-home dental cleaning is important, an annual deep clean carried out by your vet is also advisable.

Using the results of these tests, your veterinarians in Boiling Springs, SC can assess your cat's current health and compare them to previous results to ensure that there are no patterns that could suggest your feline is at risk of a developing health problem.

Annual pet exams form an essential part of your cat's preventative care. For more information on the importance of these appointments, or to schedule one for your feline friend, please contact our full-service veterinary clinic in Boiling Springs, SC, and call (864) 578-1220.

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